Sunday, September 12, 2010

Tip #5

Well, due to an uncooperative internet connection, two sick munchkins, and a new mom's group that I joined (so awesome!), I have been too distracted to blog. Don't worry though, I'm popping in with a quick tip to keep the kids, and yourself, on the right track to a healthy lifestyle.

Skinny kids, fat world tip #5 is:

Get some sleep!

Look it up if you don't believe me, but children who don't get enough sleep on a regular basis are way more likely to have problems with health and weight as they grow into adulthood. This one can be very simple and very difficult at the same time. Some kids just struggle with bedtime and others seem to just LOVE to fall asleep. If you have a little one that resists bedtime, here are a few additional tips to help you out.

Set a bedtime routine. Whatever you determine the routine might be, make a commitment to yourself and your family that this routine will be followed every day. Now, I know that it's almost impossible to never ever deviate your schedule, but commit to at least two weeks straight of your new bedtime routine and then only allow yourself to deviate from it when absolutely necessary.

Put the house to bed. Start about an hour before bedtime and start making the house a place the encourages sleep. You can shut off lights in the rooms that you aren't using, close the shades, even turn down the thermostat a couple degrees. Give rambunctious children a nice bath, you can even use a nice lavender scented soap to encourage a soothing, calming feeling. Turn down the volume on the TV slightly so that everyone will need to talk a little quieter if they want to still here or even turn the TV off completely. Pick up any clutter in your immediate view so that you can allow yourself to relax for a few minutes as well. Put away all the noisy toys and get out something "quiet" like a book or a puzzle.

Prepare the children for what is coming. Tell your kids that bedtime will be in an hour. At this time, put them into the bath with a few toys and let them play. Take them out, get them into their pajamas, brush hair, brush teeth, and put away any toys that might be out. At this point, inform them that there is 30 minutes until bedtime. By actually telling them how much longer they have, they will begin to prepare for bedtime rather than having it abruptly occur in the middle of playtime. Now, if you want to read a bedtime story, pick one out. Discuss it BEFORE bedtime. Tell them they have five minutes until bedtime, give kisses and hugs and get moving to bed. Read a bedtime story, shut off lights and let them go to sleep. DO NOT let them fall asleep watching TV.

A child that doesn't normally have a routine is going to resist this. There will be arguments and they might protest. Oh well. This is something that helps their health and will ultimately eliminate so much of the bedtime stress and problems. If they know that every day certain things occur prior to bedtime, they will eventually find themselves actually becoming tired as you move through the bedtime routine. Stick with this. Ultimately, all of the protests will fade and you will end up with a happier, healthier child. It also eliminates all of the stress that you have when you try to put your kids to bed now, kicking and screaming , and protesting all the way.

So tip #5 is:

Make sure your kids are getting plenty of sleep every night. It's one small thing that can make a huge difference.

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